
Etymologically, idioholism is simply a fusion of ‘holism’ with ‘idiosyncrasy’ – and my ‘idioholism’ – or process of ‘holistic idiosyncrasy’ resulted in a package of red, blue and yellow 12-inch records – containers of a series of audio/visual/textural arts-lab experiments, including many analogue and digital assets. Expansive download packages accompany the works as does an accessible academic exegesis. But it is the augmented and adapted creative process (which the records have hopefully captured), which is the core of the project, but framed as neatly as possible by three records (and further documentation). Here’s a sample of the first sonic chapter.

This autoethnographic experiment touches on improving the life of ‘the whole person’ with CFS-ME (which I have had since 1998). It attempts to forge a broad path of discovery via artistic practice/research and first-person experience. Practiced reflexively, my aim was to construct and test low-energy interventions of CFS-ME through (in the main) accessible sound-art practice, and to collate these trials into three themes. The aim then, was to examine if a ‘dynamic’ arose in the space between the themes. Put another way – I was ‘triangulating’ the themes, and identifying any cross-overs – but also reflecting on what areas of my own life became more fulfilling through the process.



The three soundfiles on this page constitute diverse idiosyncratic experiments in trying to live a fuller, richer life through these triangulated art-lab tests.

The simple idea is this – each colour / record represents a stratum of life loosely based on a secular version of mind / body / soul. The first record, The Eskdalemuir Harmonium looked at me working with a lumbering old musical tool – it is the ‘body’ record. Next, we have the ‘soul’ record – the blue 300 Miles of Upwards which in secular terms was the ‘existential record’ and finally we have the ‘mind’ record – a series of stimulating exercises which try and bring the outside, inside – for those with limited means. It attempts to travel without moving much.

The thesis explains the principles and processes in more depth (see thesis page).